Aged 7 - 15?
Enjoy acting?
Want to improve your English in a fun way?
Come and join us for the FISH & CHIPS Autumn Camp in Frauenfeld and Winterthur during the Autumn Holiday 2023.
Over the course of one week the children will write their own original play, with characters they have created and a story-line sure to be full of laughs and surprises.
By the end of the course the children will have greatly improved their English, increased their self-confidence and made some wonderful new friendships.
No acting experience is necessary - just energy and a smile!
Frauenfeld, 9th - 13th October 2023
Winterthur, 16th - 20th October 2023
MINI Chips (7 - 10 year olds) - mornings 09.00 - 12.00
JUNIOR Chips (11 - 15 year olds) - afternoons 14.00 - 17.00
The Fish & Chips Winter Camp guarantees:
Professional tutoring by trained English and drama teachers,
Healthy and plentiful snacks,
New friendships with children and young people from other parts of Switzerland,
Fish & Chips memorabilia to take home,
Lots of laughter and fun!
The cost of the camp is CHF 220 for 5 days.
The course fee includes training, material, snacks and drinks.
Sibling Discount:
Registration for 2 siblings: 10% discount
Registration for 3 siblings: 15% discount
The camp requires a minimum of 10 participants to take place.
You will receive confirmation of the camp one week before the start date.
In the event of a camp cancellation on our part, you have the option of a full refund or booking a place at the next camp.